Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New beginnings

Welcome to my Magical Mystery Tour of a life. I've had this blog since 2008, complete with five sporadic previous posts, but I just deleted them so that I can start anew. Stuff's changed in my life since the last time I posted, more than a year ago, so this new beginning seems fitting.
I didn't utilize this a lot because I like to pen and paper an actual journal, but it might be fun to get back into this, see what happens. I've never added pictures to posts before, so I just like to experiement. I feel like this is going to take up a lot of time. It all seems easy enough, I guess we'll see...
P.S. If you couldn't tell I rambled on just then so that the text could be all cool and wrapped around the picture :)


Kourtney said...

HAHA love that you added the fact about wrapping the text around the picture. Nice.

Erroll James said...

I agree with Kourtney. I didn't know you could do the wrap text to your blog haha.

biscotti dana said...

Ha. I like the wrap around text too. Even if it's rambling....

dab said...

Stuff's changed? Woo hoo. Sounds fun.