Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hooray for being studious!

Tore myself away from watching Flight of the Conchords to write something. Not that I have a game plan (I never do). I also just got off the phone with Luke; he's always fun. He's a hoot, my boy is. We were talking about going up to Maine in the spring, maybe for my birthday weekend, and how fun that would be. I really hope we end up going; I'm already excited and looking forward to it. I went this past summer with my cousin Nathan and his then-fiancee (now wife) Casey, it was a blast. There's a tiny little hole-in-the-wall bookstore called Lobster Lane that I've gone to every time I was up there since I was little. It's heaven for someone like me who loves to read copious amounts, and everything's 50 cents to $2, basically. Paradise.

I'm really just super excited for springtime in general; the shift in weather and temperature when it turns from winter to spring is phenomenal. I feel like it just enhances my mood so much, it's amazing. Something to look forward to. It will, of course, bring an end to college, which I'm both excited and nervous about. Oh well, the train's rolling on.

It's the start of the new semester (the last semester!) and I'm ready to jump back into the swing of things and read a ton of books with pen at the ready so I can annotate things and be on top of class discussions. It feels good to have something productive to do again. This feeling will probably last until the end of this week or so, but it's nice while it lasts. Before it turns back into "the daily grind."


biscotti dana said...

I LOVE Maine! We head up to Casco Bay every summer to one of the islands. Next summer we're heading back to Cliff Island. I can't wait!

SarahMBritton said...

I love that show too! Haha I watch it on DVD with some of my friends, but definitely good stuff. Also, your blog design is adorable and it has motivated me to work on mine :-)

FrankO said...

Maine is an amazing place in the summer! I go to York beach whenever I can it's so nice up there. I can't wait for the transition of winter to spring this winter has been way to long....

Kourtney said...

I say you take me to Maine with you this summer...considering we have been friends for over 10 years and I still haven't gone with you :(

Endless Nameless said...

The transition from winter to spring affects everybody one way or another, whether it be an emotional uplift or allergies. :P

Springtime does in fact rule. 50-degree weather is good flannel weather. :D

amturni said...

You just made me want summer even more than I already do, if that is possible!! Congrats on entering your last semester! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay Maine! My aunt and uncle have a house up there, so summer is fun when we get to visit. I love going into town on the trollies :)

It's my last semester too! So excited!!!

Meliza said...

It's funny because I really enjoy winter, but i agree with you the jump from winter to spring is awesome.

Morgan Barry said...

Yesss it's my last semester, too!! Maine sounds great. I am from there and I love going back to visit.

TJK said...


Joey said...

I went to Maine with my father for the first time when I was six. He was a truck driver and promised to take me. It was autumn and I was awestruck by the foliage. I can never remember having a better time with him since, but I finally understood where money came from.

Lindsay said...

I can honestly say I have never been to Maine! I don't really think I'd like it up there; I'm not much of an outdoorsy person aside from LOVING the beach! In fact, I hear that Maine has gorgeous beaches. And I definitely hear you on waiting for springtime...

RobertBaronas said...

I feel like Maine is a way better version of New Hampshire. For some reason whenever I'm there I don't want to leave. And knowing that spring is comming makes me want to plan out an adventure for the first warm day. It's so nice up there!

Anonymous said...

love Maine! Been going to Ogunquit for years it just feels like home. Such a good idea to go right when the weather gets nice so it starts to feel like summer!